Monday, February 7, 2011

Learn to Fish for Yourself!

Opening Song: Hymn 143 "Let the Holy Spirit Guide"
Opening Prayer:

Resource: "Finding Answers" pg 29 Ensign Feb 2011

Lesson Ideas: Read through this article and pick out a couple stories and examples to share instead of reading it all the way through (it's a longer article).

My thoughts:
As the title of this post suggests, this article reminded me of that old saying "Do not give a man a fish when you can teach him how to fish". It emphasizes the fact that, although it is good to go to others for advice and with questions, many times it is up to us to find answers for ourselves. After all, the Lord might have a different answer for different people, even if they're asking the same question!
It was interesting that I should read this article after fast and testimony meeting yesterday. There was a sister who shared a powerful testimony about a similar concept: sometimes we need to learn that we can do it ourselves (basically). She shared a couple of experiences about how, as a mother, her young son needed help opening a heavy door. At first she would encourage him and help a little, then she would stand back and cheer him on, but one day she decided that he needed to know he could do it himself, without his mother. It was hard because she was upstairs when he tried going outside. He called and cried for her to come help open the door and she could hear the frustration, but she knew he could do it himself and she knew he needed to know that too. Finally she heard him open the door and the excitement in his voice as he ran outside. He had opened it all by himself! And another story about another son who could not go to sleep without mommy there. So she finally had to just sit outside the door, listening as he called and cried for her until he fell asleep. Eventually he learned to go to sleep by himself. And she mentioned how the same is true for us: sometimes we think we need help and guidance with something and we pray and cry and ask others and cry some more, but we sometimes don't feel like Heavenly Father is guiding us at all. At those times, perhaps he is just sitting quietly on the other side, listening, but letting us learn for ourselves.
I feel like I'm in that position right now! I keep praying for guidance and revelation on where I should apply for work and what I should do. And I hardly ever feel inspired; for the most part the inspiration I do get is something like "Use your time wisely. Just keep going" or something like that. I guess it's just time for me to learn something! Or perhaps, as the article says near the end, I just need to ask the right question.
At any rate, life is all about learning and growing. Sometimes we learn by revelation and guidance from both other people as well as heavenly sources, and SOMETIMEs... we have to learn the good old fashioned way: trial and error.
As we do learn and grow, may God bless us all to stay on the right path and get safely home!

Closing Song: (if you wish)
Closing Prayer

Treats and a game or movie or something. Yay together time! =D

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