Monday, January 24, 2011

Make Yours a Great Life! (FHE 24 Jan 2011)

Opening Song - Count Your Blessings (Hymn 241)
Opening Prayer

Subject Matter:
"Make Yours a Great Life" - Article from the January 2011 Ensign
May just read or summarize the whole article or a combination

What other examples are there of people who have made the best of their circumstances?
How can we apply this to our own lives?

Our Thoughts:
A lot of times people think that their circumstances are worse than anyone elses, or the times we live in are as bad as they can possibly be. This article is a good reminder that no matter what happens in our lives or in the world around us (for example right now the economic crisis we're experiencing and how everyone in our family is having trouble as a result, as well as health issues and what not), we are the ones who decide how to deal with the circumstances and how we're going to make the best of them. It kind of reminded me of that conference talk "Come What May, Enjoy It" or whatever it's called (since I can only remember it in spanish!). So no matter what happens in life, just remember that we can learn from hardships and make the best of things! Never forget to have a positive perspective. And NEVER forget to pray for guidance on what to learn and what to do so the Lord can help us to the utmost!

Closing Prayer

Treats and Games (In our case tonight I think we may watch one of the random movies we rented and munch on donuts Mimi got for her birthday yesterday.) Lots of love. =D